The Ukrainian Civil Society is in need of support from the Nordics

Nordic Civ condemns Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and urges the Nordic governments to provide targeted support to Ukrainian civil society.

Statement from representatives of Nordic Civ.

“Nordic Civ* condemns Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and urges the Nordic governments to provide targeted support to Ukrainian civil society and the Ukrainian people.

Civil society plays a crucial role in maintaining essential social functions in times of crisis. The Ukrainian civil society now needs our support to resist Russian aggression and continue the important work for human security and health. Nordic Civ also wants to recognise the civil society actors in Russia that continue to stand up for peace and human rights. 

Nordic Civ’s members represent a big part of Nordic civil society, and our member organisations serve an important societal function when emergencies occur in our region. We know that civil society obtains a substantial amount of social trust, access to networks and capacity that is unmatched in peacetime as well as in times of crisis and war.

The Nordic civil society has a long-standing history of solidarity. After the Second World War, they acted as a cornerstone for reconciliation and peacebuilding as well as contributing to the long term development of the region.

The Russian invasion of Ukraine and pressure on individual Nordic countries is a threat to the international order as well as to democratic freedom and rights. Ukrainian civil society needs humanitarian support to meet urgent challenges and long term support to deal with the societal consequences of the war.

As representatives of Nordic civil society, we call for solidarity with our Ukrainian colleagues and urge our Nordic governments to stand up for Ukraine and ensure access to long-term material and financial support for the Ukrainian civil society.”

Signed by representatives from Nordic Civ

Joel Ahlgren & Tove Levonen, Global Utmaning, samordnare av Nordic Civ
Josefin Carlring, generalsekreterare Föreningen Norden i Sverige
Vibeke Koehler, daglig leder Bærekraftige liv Norge
Andreas Nielsen, politisk chefkonsulent, LGBT+ Danmark
Inese Podgaiska, Secretary General, Association of Nordic Engineers
Maria Helsing-Johansson, specialsakkunnig, SOSTE Finlands social och hälsa 
Ole Meldgaard, Østersø NGO Netværk, Danmark
Christell Åström, Maa- ja kotitalousnaisten Keskus ry, Finland
Föreningen Norden Island
Aija Kaski, verksamhetsledare, Håll Skärgården Ren rf
Björn Kalm, Ålands Näringsliv
Magnus Gissler Generalsekreterare, Nordens Fackliga Samorganisation,NFS 
Carin Hallerström, Generalsekreterare, NFU – Nordic Financial Unions
Truls Gulowsen, Politisk leder, Norges Naturvernforbund
Peter Göranson, Generalsekreterare, NORDTEK
Annika Nyström, Internationella kvinnoförbundet 
Pernille Thorup, Sustainable Now 
Christer Holmlund, Nordiska Lärarorganisationers Samråd
Lucas Skræddergaard, forretningsudvalgsmedlem, Dansk Ungdoms Fællesråd
Hanna Stenström, styrelseledamot, Sveriges Kvinnolobby 
Kristin Madsen, Förbundet Nordisk Vuxenupplysning
Honoratte Basemake NN Muhanzi, Velferdsalliansen EAPN Norway

* Nordic Civ is a network of 40 Nordic civil society organizations that is established on the initiative of the Nordic council of ministers.