ANE Strategy 2023-2025

The ANE Strategy 2023-2025 was approved at the October 2022 board meeting and builds on the previous strategy, presenting an adjustment and clarification of ANE’s key thematic priorities. The thematic priority areas in the 2023-2025 strategy are the Just Twin Transition, Future Skills & Work-life, and Responsible Tech. The thematic areas will serve as a…

Front page of the ANE Strategy 2023-2025. An image with three people are standing around what looks like a robot. There is a headline saying: Together - creating & sharing knowledge.

The ANE Strategy 2023-2025 was approved at the October 2022 board meeting and builds on the previous strategy, presenting an adjustment and clarification of ANE’s key thematic priorities.

The thematic priority areas in the 2023-2025 strategy are the Just Twin Transition, Future Skills & Work-life, and Responsible Tech. The thematic areas will serve as a guideline for developing the work of the ANE Secretariat and the cooperation between the five member organisations in the coming three years. These areas are mutually dependent, and most ANE activities will encompass more than one of these priority areas.

The headline for the strategy “Together – Creating & Sharing Knowledge” emphasises ANE’s primary role of being a platform for Nordic engineering organisations working together to generate ideas and share know-how. Our vision is a world where decision-makers #ListenToEngineers.

Read the full strategy:

Front page of the ANE Strategy 2023-2025. An image with three people are standing around what looks like a robot. There is a headline saying: Together - creating & sharing knowledge.
Click the image to download the ANE 2023-2025 Strategy (pdf)