Engineering the future in Sierra Leone – SDG capacity building

In the period 2019-2022, the Association of Nordic Engineers, Engineers Without Borders Denmark (EWBdk), and the Sierra Leone Institution of Engineers (SLIE) worked together on the project: Engineering the future in Sierra Leone – SDG capacity building.

The project had a strong focus on building capacity in SLIE and supporting the organisation’s efforts in strengthening the engineering role and competencies in specific Sustainable Development Goals.

SLIE chose to prioritise working on the following SDGs:

  • SDG 6 Clean water and sanitation
  • SDG 7 Affordable and Clean Energy
  • SDG 9 Industry, Innovation and Change
  • SDG 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities
  • SDG 13 Climate Action
  • SDG 16 Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
  • SDG 17 Partnership for the goals.

Due to the pandemic and travel restrictions, as well as enormous challenges in accessing basic resources in Sierra Leone, the scope of the project was reviewed. ANE’s role was restructured to mainly support the organizational capacity building in SLIE, especially with an aim to improve the communication structures and efforts of the organisation.

ANE supported:

  • EWBdk’s & SLIE’s work with the on-the-ground implementation of important freshwater projects run with solar energy in Freetown,
  • a network of young female engineers at a University in Freetown, water engineering master classes delivered by visiting Nordic engineers,
  • exchange opportunities in Denmark for young engineers,
  • regional capacity building of SLIE’s organisation, and
  • upskilling project for staff in the SLIE main offices.

Image of a young people in Sierra Leone working on installing a solar panel.
Young engineers work on installing a solar panel in Sierra Leone.

To see more about the interventions and the EWBdk’s work in Sierra Leone, please visit Engineers Without Borders Denmark’s website.

Initial Project Description

Engineers have an important role in advocating for a real change towards a sustainable transition. In collaboration with Engineers without Borders Denmark and the Sierra Leone Institution of Engineers, ANE is sharing Nordic expertise with the aim of expanding the capacity of the Institution to become a relevant and influential voice on the implementation of the SDGs in Sierra Leone. The project focuses on promoting the SDGs, especially access to clean water, and aims at building both technical and non-technical capacity while promoting gender participation in engineering.

The partnership with EWB

“Partnerships for the goals”, SDG #17, is essential to reach the remaining 16 Sustainable Development Goals, and with this project, the partnership between the three organisations will help build core infrastructure for communities in need, improve living standards while supporting the local engineering organisation in becoming a voice for sustainable development.